STOP FRAUDS IN THEIR TRACKS, A Primary Runoff In Oklahoma You Haven’t Heard About
STOP FRAUDS IN THEIR TRACKS, A Primary Runoff In Oklahoma You Haven’t Heard About
By: MAGA Institute
The primary election is your most important election. We can’t stress that enough. And our enemies know that. That’s why they have switched parties and learned the lingo, and lie to you on the regular.
As a rule, we don’t like to bash candidates, even the blatant liars. We’d rather not even mention their names, and would prefer to solely discuss the attributes of our qualified and MAGA INSTITUTE certified candidates. But this piece is necessary to point out the constant deception foisted onto you, the electorate. Time is of the essence and you need to know the snow job happening in Congressional District 2, for Oklahoma’s open seat runoff on August 23.
So, here we go.
MAGA Republican Voter Alert: The Frix Fraud In Oklahoma Congressional Runoff
BREAKING NEWS – Avery Frix, running for US Congress in Oklahoma’s District 2, is a fraud. His team (campaign and union-backed secret donor bundled deep-state groups) have spent nearly 2 million dollars trying to convince voters that he has “supported President Trump from the get go,” and that he “fights against Biden and the woke mob.” That’s what his constant mailers claim anyway.

At MAGA INSTITUTE, we research to see if someone REALLY stands with President Trump. And we count on you, the boots on the ground to assist in this vetting of your candidates. Today, far too many candidates use President Trump’s name to their benefit, but have never stood with President Trump when it counted. What we discovered about Frix is shocking!
Avery Frix is lying to voters when he says he has supported President Trump from the get-go. He is fond of falsely branding his opponent a “never Trumper” – when, in fact, his own personal voting history proves he deserves that nickname himself. Publicly available records accessed from the Oklahoma State Election Board reveal that in 2016, this self-proclaimed ‘next generation MAGA leader’ didn’t even show up at the polls on Super Tuesday to vote for Donald Trump, when he was facing 16 other Republicans in an election to become our party’s Presidential nominee. That’s right, “from the get-go” Frix was completely absent from the fight.
MAGA Americans – we have a choice that we can be proud of. Josh Brecheen has stood publicly for America First policies, cut taxes while Frix raised them, defended President Trump, and is always in the fight to strengthen families and our country’s future. Brecheen is endorsed by President Trump-appointed former NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, Donald Trump’s former Economic Policy Advisor Stephen Moore, The House Freedom Fund which was co-founded by Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows – and Josh Brecheen is the only MAGA INSTITUTE certified candidate in this race.

Exposing The Frix Fix
Other tidbits of failure Frix: In red-state Oklahoma, Frix first registered as a Democrat, and didn’t switch to Republican until September of 2015 – just a month before the deadline in Oklahoma to be eligible to run for office on that party’s ticket. In April 2016, Frix filed as a Republican to run for a state house seat, building a RINO resume that has now earned him big labor union support in this congressional election.
We don’t like a liar – especially one who wraps themselves in President Trump’s good name only when it is convenient – so a liberal RINO can trick Trump Republicans into voting for a fraud. Don’t be fooled!
Worth noting here is that Avery Frix took an all expense paid trip to NYC paid for by National Popular Vote – the same entity that is diligently working to do away with the Founder’s electoral college. See
Help us spread this story far and wide, and let’s send a message to Frix by making sure he FAILS in the August 23rd Oklahoma Runoff election – visit to support Josh in his efforts to stop the Deep State swamp from gaining a foothold in deep red Republican Oklahoma.
As a bonus – here’s a great news story called Fiscal Failure Frix – detailing the 7 Billion Reasons not to vote for Frix in the election – he is a tax and spend liberal who has not earned any credibility with authentic MAGA Republicans.
The choice is clear. And it’s up to you to send the right person, the fighter, the statesman Josh Brecheen to Washington DC.
If you wish to help keep lying Republicans home, and send only true MAGA INSTITUTE certified candidates to DC, please help Josh today by sending $10 to him directly at his website:
He needs a last minute influx of funds to fight these lies through immediate media. And that takes money.
MAGA INSTITUTE is a Non-Profit entity, working solely for an informed electorate.